Alvin Franklin, outfielder from Jackson, Mississippi, was the 2010 scholarship winner. Alvin, currently a high school senior, was highly recommended by coaches in his community. He has a track record of success in the classroom and on the baseball field and is a highly regarded citizen in his community. Alvin won a scholarship ($1,950 value) and joined a team of American players who travellled to the Dominican Republic July 27-August 2, 2010. They were coached by George Mason University coach, Kyle Werman. This was a memorable and rewarding experience for Alvin-from both from a baseball and cultural perspective. This was a unique opportunity for Alvin to use baseball to bridge cultural gaps and expand his horizons. During the trip, Alvin hit a grand slam home run, witnessed by Boston Red Sox Dominican Administrator Jesus Alou (one of the famous Alou brothers). Alou was sufficiently impressed that he asked for Alvin's contact information so that he could pass along to scouts to watch Alvin play in high school next spring. We hope to be able to extend a similar opportunity to other players next summer. For information on how you can help make this happen, please contact us.